Federico Palumbo

Federico Palumbo


Born in Rome on 01/07/75. Studied film at the School of Cinema-TV "Rossellini" (Rome, Italy) and than participated in several independent TV projects in Italy. He made some fictional and documentary short. In 2009 he settled in Buenos Aires. In 2011 directed the featured documentary "Tupac Amaru, something is changing". In 2013 participates in an advanced course in filmmaking for graduates and professionals in the National School Experimentation Filmmaking (ENERC) in Argentina. In 2013 and 2014 studied "Directing Actors", "Screenplay Adaptation", "Director Assistant" and "Production" in the Film Industry Union of Argentina (SICA). Currently preparing the documentary "Peak Experience", co-produced by Magalí Buj, with the support of INCAA, Instituto Nacional de Cine y arte audiovisuales.

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